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Archive for August, 2009

Inventor secures £125k investment from Dragons

Posted in Business News, Innovation on August 27th, 2009 by Jane Bear – 7 Comments

Simeon Goldstein, packagingnews.co.uk, 27 August 2009

Inventor Michael Pritchard secured a £125,000 investment on last nights Dragons Den to bring a pump spray that works at any angle to market.

via Inventor secures £125k investment from Dragons | packagingnews.co.uk.

Sonoco to raise Euro recycled paperboard prices

Posted in Materials on August 26th, 2009 by Jane Bear – Be the first to comment

26-Aug-2009  www.foodproductiondaily.com

Sonoco has announced it is to increase prices on all recycled paperboard grades in Europe.

The packaging giant said it will raise tariffs by €40 or £30 per metric ton on recycled paperboard grades on shipments on or after 14 September, 2009.

The company’s European vice president Eddie L Smith said the price rise was because of higher costs associated with recovered paper and energy, along with “significantly reduced inventories” of coreboard across Europe.

via Sonoco to raise Euro recycled paperboard prices.

We’re not planning warm ice cream, Unilever says

Posted in Business News, Food Packaging, Product News on August 25th, 2009 by Jane Bear – 4 Comments

By Jess Halliday, 25-Aug-2009  www.nutraingredients.com

Unilever has denied that it is actively developing ambient ice cream, following newspaper reports that such a product is part of a programme to reduce the environmental impact of its consumer goods.

The Times of London reported yesterday that the Anglo-Dutch consumer goods firm is conducting research in this area at its own laboratories, and in partnership with scientists from Cambridge University.

As normal ice cream must be frozen throughout transport

via We’re not planning warm ice cream, Unilever says.

Teen products hold big potential but market with care: Mintel

Posted in Cosmetics & Toiletries, Marketing on August 25th, 2009 by Jane Bear – 5 Comments

By Katie Bird , 20-08-2009  www.cosmeticsdesign.com

The teenage personal care market holds significant potential but brands must appeal to parents as well if they are to succeed.

Approximately ₤784m (€910m) was spent last year in the UK on beauty and personal care products for or by teenagers, but only a fraction of products are directed specifically at the age group, according to market research company Mintel.

via Teen products hold big potential but market with care: Mintel.

P&G finds buyer for pharma business to concentrate on OTC and personal care

Posted in Business News, Healthcare & Pharma on August 25th, 2009 by Jane Bear – 5 Comments

24-Aug-2009 www.cosmeticsdesign.com

Procter & Gamble has found a buyer for its prescription drug unit allowing it to concentrate on its consumer goods business.

Ireland-based company Warner Chilcott is planning on buying the unit for $3.1bn in a deal which also includes P&G’s drug pipeline and the plants in Peurto Rico and Germany.

via P&G finds buyer for pharma business to concentrate on OTC and personal care.

New French law could make luxury packaging illegal

Posted in Cosmetics & Toiletries, Environmental Issues, Legal on August 21st, 2009 by Jane Bear – 8 Comments

By Katie Bird , 21-Aug-2009  www.cosmeticsdesign-europe.com

A French law, which could make luxurious packaging of high end fragrances and cosmetics illegal, has come under fire from a European packaging trade association.

The European Organisation for Packaging and the Environment EUROPEN has attacked recent changes to French law that could affect the packaging of luxury goods.

via New French law could make luxury packaging illegal.

New French law could make luxury packaging illegal

Posted in Cosmetics & Toiletries, Environmental Issues, Legal on August 21st, 2009 by Jane Bear – 11 Comments

By Katie Bird , 21-Aug-2009  www.cosmeticsdesign-europe.com

A French law, which could make luxurious packaging of high end fragrances and cosmetics illegal, has come under fire from a European packaging trade association.

The European Organisation for Packaging and the Environment EUROPEN has attacked recent changes to French law that could affect the packaging of luxury goods.

via New French law could make luxury packaging illegal.

Why Sustainability Is Now the Key Driver of Innovation

Posted in Business News, Environmental Issues, Innovation, Opinion, Tweets on August 19th, 2009 by Chris Penfold – 6 Comments

From an article by Ram Nidumolu, C.K. Prahalad, and M.R. Rangaswami on http://hbr.harvardbusiness.org/  19th Aug 2009

I certainly concur with Nidumolu, Prahalad & Rangaswami in their assertion that “the quest for sustainability can unearth a mother lode of organizational and technological innovations that yield both top-line and bottom-line returns. That quest has already begun to transform the competitive landscape, as companies redesign products, technologies, processes, and business models.”

And also that “By equating sustainability with innovation today, enterprises can lay the groundwork that will put them in the lead when the recession ends.”

However, they also say that “When companies pursue sustainability, it’s usually to demonstrate that they are socially responsible. They expect that the endeavor will add to their costs, deliver no immediate financial benefits, and quite possibly erode their competitiveness.“  I don’t think that this is necessarily true.

They do generally want to demonstrate ’social responsibility’ (although many I believe are failing to recoup the full marketing benefits of this – i.e. if you are doing it – SHOUT about it!) BUT I don’t think that they believe it will add to their costs. Quite the reverse in fact, I think many now set out to cut/optimise costs and capitalise on a sustainable story at the same time – as demonstrated by the recent ‘cost-optimisation & sustainability’ competition that we ran.

What do you think? I’d be interested to hear

Chris Penfold

Read the full Article here: Why Sustainability Is Now the Key Driver of Innovation – HBR.org.

Thanks to @Huttson on Twitter for bringing this article to our attention

From reassuringly expensive to recyclage de luxe.

Posted in Branding, Drinks Packaging, Environmental Issues, Recycling on August 19th, 2009 by Jane Bear – 7 Comments

I think Josh has raised a very interesting point in this article – if so much is being done by companys to ‘green’ up their packaging then why aren’t they using that fact in their advertising?

Josh Brooks, packagingnews.co.uk, 19 August 2009

via Soap Box blog: From reassuringly expensive to ‘recyclage de luxe’ | packagingnews.co.uk.

Tesco carbon footprints milk

Posted in Branding, Drinks Packaging, Food Packaging, Retailers on August 18th, 2009 by Jane Bear – 5 Comments

Jill Park, packagingnews.co.uk, 18 August 2009

Tesco milk packs are to feature a carbon label as the retailer moves closer to its target of footprinting 500 products by the end of the year.

via Tesco carbon footprints milk | packagingnews.co.uk.