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here we have collated a number of useful industry website & resource links

We aim to provide the definitive list of useful packaging, design & related links. If you can think of any that we’ve missed or if site addresses have moved – please let us know.

This page will be updated regularly, so you may want to bookmark it.

Please note that we cannot be held responsible for any of the content on any of these sites.

packaging sites  
East Midlands Branch of The Packaging Society www.thepackagingsociety-em.ning.com/
WebPackaging (packaging catalogue) http://www.webpackaging.com/
Packaging News www.packagingnews.co.uk
Packaging Professional www.iom3.org/content/packaging-professional
Packaging Today www.packagingtoday.co.uk
Retail Packaging www.retailpackagingmag.co.uk
Agrow www.agrow.co.uk
Chemistry & Industry www.soci.org/
ICIS www.icis.com/home/default.aspx
Speciality Chemicals www.specchemonline.com
PharmTech www.ptemag.com/Outsourcing
Manufacturing Chemist www.manufacturingchemist.com/
European Medical Device Technology www.emdt.co.uk/
Pharma www.pharma-mag.com
Pharmaceutical Journal www.pjonline.com
Pharmaceutical Mfg & Packing Sourcer www.samedanltd.com/magazine/15
Pharmaceutical Technology Europe www.ptemag.com
Scrip www.scrippharma.com
CHP Packer http://www.binsteadgroup.com
Contract Services Suppliers Guide www.cosmeticsbusiness.com
Food Manufacture www.foodmanufacture.co.uk
Food Packer & Processor International http://www.binsteadgroup.com
Food Processing www.fponthenet.net
Frozen & Chilled Foods www.frozenandchilledfoods.com
International Bottler & Packer http://www.binsteadgroup.com
trade associations  
Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (incl IOP) www.iom3.org
Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry www.abpi.org.uk
Design Week www.mad.co.uk
Waste Recycling www.wrap.org.uk
pharmaceutical outsourcing decisions www.pharmaceuticaloutsourcing.com