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Archive for August 3rd, 2009

Asda cuts packaging and challenges suppliers to follow suit

Posted in Business News, Environmental Issues, Recycling, Retailers on August 3rd, 2009 by Jane Bear – 9 Comments

Chloe Smith, thegrocer.co.uk 31/07/2009

Asda will challenge big-name brands to follow its lead by slashing packaging by up to a third this autumn.

Following a drive to cut own-label packaging by 25%, which resulted in a saving of £10m, chief merchandising officer Darren Blackhurst said he would be asking brand owners to follow suit at Asda’s supplier conference later this year.

via Asda cuts packaging and challenges suppliers to follow suit | thegrocer.co.uk.

Design Cognition are proud to announce

Posted in Design Cognition News, Environmental Issues on August 3rd, 2009 by Jane Bear – 5 Comments

that after a difficult decision the WINNER of their Sustainability and Cost Optimisation Competition has been chosen.

4fx Healthcare are the lucky company and we are really excited about working with the 4fx team and getting our “teeth into” their sustainability issues.

Thanks to all of you who entered.  The judges said they had a difficult time deciding who would benifit most from the £3000 worth of free consultancy.

Don’t forget, for those of you not lucky enough to win, Design Cognition could still offer help and support, just give use a call to discuss your company’s unique challenges.