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Archive for October, 2009

Anti-microbial milk proteins could help alleviate acne, psoriasis and halitosis

Posted in Cosmetics & Toiletries, Healthcare & Pharma, Innovation, Opinion, Technology on October 28th, 2009 by Chris Penfold – 7 Comments

By Katie Bird , 28-Oct-2009, www.cosmeticsdesign-europe.com

Proteins in milk that form part of the cow’s natural protection against milking related infections can be formulated into anti-microbial cosmetics and oral care products, according to manufacturer Quantec.

The New Zealand-based company has been working on the Immune Defence Proteins (IDP) for three years and is now ready to launch the ingredients onto the skin care and supplements market.

Rod Claycomb, managing director of the company, explained how the proteins form part of the cow’s own defence system.

“After milking, cows are quite prone to bacterial infection of the mammary gland called mastitis. This suite of proteins is nature’s own way of helping to protect the cow,” he said.

According to Claycomb, there are applications for the proteins in both human and animal health.

Having worked in both the animal health & human skincare sectors, this sounds to me like an interesting innovation & great breakthrough- with scientific and potentially commercial benefits. What do you think? Read the full article and let us know. Chris Penfold

Read the full article here: http://tinyurl.com/yz4937q

British healthcare companies set sights on America

Posted in Business News, Design, Design Cognition News, Healthcare & Pharma, Marketing on October 27th, 2009 by Chris Penfold – 7 Comments

Published By James Quinn, Daily Telegraph, 26 Oct 2009

Save for the economy, in the first year of Barack Obama’s presidency the issue he has spent the most time on has also been the most contentious – the future of healthcare.

As he tries to right the failings of several of his predecessors, the US president’s push to increase healthcare provision for the 20pc of Americans without health insurance – at the same time as not overly increasing the burden on taxpayers – is a difficult task.

With the US budget deficit at $1.42 trillion, the $829m (£506m), ten-year cost of the Senate finance committee’s bill – the main one of five pieces of legislation President Obama is to attempt to meld together in the coming weeks – may just be too much to bear.
Whatever the outcome, however, it is clear that the $2.3 trillion-a-year US healthcare industry offers significant opportunities to make money.

For British companies, the sheer breadth of the market – with its regionalised approach and the power of private medical insurance companies – might be unnerving, but in fact offers clear advantages, as Nottingham, UK  based Design Cognition hope to capitalise on over the coming weeks as part of a UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) “mission” to the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) in November.

If you are a company that want to launch your pharma products into new markets but are confused by packaging requirements & regulations, find out more about how Design Cognition can help at www.thepharmagateway.com

Design Cognition is also looking for individuals /companies that can provide collaborative support ‘on the ground’ in the US to help facilitate entry into the US pharma market. For further details contact Chris Penfold, Chief Executive.

You can read the full Daily Telegraph article here: http://tinyurl.com/yg2pkoc

Australia, NZ to review burden of food labelling laws

Posted in Drinks Packaging, Food Packaging, Legal, Safety on October 26th, 2009 by Jane Bear – 5 Comments

Will be interesting to see what the result of this is -

Australia and New Zealand are to undertake a review of food labelling laws and policy to reduce the regulatory burden on food companies without compromising health and safety.

Requirements for information to appear on food labels in Australia and New Zealand are governed by the Food Standards Code. While there are certain elements that are required on all labels, such as product name, supplier details, use by dates and the presence of allergens, there are frequent demands for more elements to be included.

For more information just follow the link http://bit.ly/1CPikX


Healthcare Packaging

Posted in Design, Healthcare & Pharma, Innovation, Materials, Technology on October 23rd, 2009 by Anne Dallison – 10 Comments

Simulating drug-packaging conditions can save up to six months in development time.

For pharmaceutical companies, time is money: Those who get to market first with a new product will often capture the largest customer share and maximize profits.Innovators of new drugs commit considerable resources to developing and seeking approval for breakthrough products. The sooner they can market a new product, the sooner they can begin to see returns on their investment. Time is of the essence for manufacturers of generic drugs, too, since they often have a suite of drug applications pending and vie with competitors to be the first to commercialize their products for the 180-day period of marketing exclusivity. For these reasons, technologies and services that streamline drug development can provide important competitive advantages to drug manufacturers.Sophisticated packaging simulation modeling can help formulation chemists and packaging engineers identify the right conditions in which to ensure the stability and potency of drugs. This mechanism, referred to as ‘pseudo-empirical’ modeling, can be performed early in the development process, guiding production decisions and helping to avoid costly errors that could prove to be roadblocks to production.Pseudo-empirical modeling is a technique that uses empirically derived data measurements from the packaging materials, including moisture vapor transmission rate MVTR through the bottle, surface area of the bottle, sorbent adsorption isotherms, and drug product adsorption/desorption isotherms. Linking these variables together mathematically will pseudo-empirically predict the relative humidity of a pharmaceutical package’s headspace and drug product hydration level over time. This resulting information will ultimately determine the means by which manufacturers can maintain a drug’s chemical and physical characteristics over time.

via Healthcare Packaging.

SIG pips rivals to produce first one-litre aseptic FSC carton | packagingnews.co.uk

Posted in Drinks Packaging, Environmental Issues, Food Packaging, Materials, Technology on October 21st, 2009 by Anne Dallison – Be the first to comment

SIG pips rivals to produce first one-litre aseptic FSC carton.

SIG Combibloc has won the race to produce the first FSC-certified one-litre aseptic beverage carton for packaging long-life juice drinks and ice teas.The first run of the new cartons, which are marked with the FSC logo on the corner of the packaging, have gone on sale in all German branches of supermarket Lidl.Its launch means that the company has pipped Tetra Pak to bring a one-litre FSC-certified aseptic carton to market.

via SIG pips rivals to produce first one-litre aseptic FSC carton | packagingnews.co.uk. Ben Bold

GSK takes a shine to filmless, ‘green’ holography | Greener Package

Posted in Branding, Cosmetics & Toiletries, Design, Environmental Issues, Healthcare & Pharma, Innovation, Materials, Recycling, Technology on October 19th, 2009 by Anne Dallison – 3 Comments

GSK takes a shine to filmless, ‘green’ holography cartons

A new carton for GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare’s Aquafresh White & Shine toothpaste shimmers with a subtle holographic rainbow effect with a heavy emphasis on the green end of the spectrum. Through the use of new printing technology, the carton is as easy to recycle —something that most holographic packages cannot claim.: “Traditional holographic packaging contains a laminated layer of metallized polyester that does not remove easily from the paperboard, making recycling very difficult,” says Michael J. Larocca, packaging development manager for GSK Consumer Healthcare. “This package has no polyester or metal content. As a result, there is no impact to typical paperboard recycling streams.”

via GSK takes a shine to filmless, ‘green’ holography | Greener Package.  by Anne Marie Mohan, Managing Editor, GreenerPackage.com

Chinese funding to cut specialist food packaging imports

Posted in Business News, Drinks Packaging, Food Packaging, Machinery, Materials on October 16th, 2009 by Anne Dallison – 12 Comments

Chinese funding to cut specialist food packaging imports – worrying trend?

By Rory Harrington,

A Chinese packaging company said it is to receive multi-million dollar government funding to expand its operations and reduce domestic reliance on specialist packing imports.

Shiner International announced this week that the development of its Packaging Industrial Park project in Hainan will be part-funded by a government grant of RMB 29m ($4.26m).

Domestic boost

The company, which specialises in food safe and anti-counterfeiting packaging, said the cash will be used in the construction of a new facility. The Chinese Government gave the green light to the funding because the plant will help domestic food manufacturers reduce their reliance on having to buy specialist film packing applications from overseas, said the company.

Shiner CEO Jian Fu said: “For quite some time, the Chinese domestic market has relied on the importing of high quality packaging films for high-end consumer products at great expense to Chinese manufacturers. In recent years, the central government has begun to realise the importance of domestically developed key technology products that utilise intellectual property that is developed and owned by Chinese companies such as Shiner.”

Funding for its packaging project will allow the Chinese outfit to make its patented products in a state-of-the-art facility, he added. The money will be used for construction of infrastructures, improvement of capacity and recruitment of senior technical staff for the project.

via Chinese funding to cut specialist food packaging imports.

Edible codes for cheese

Posted in Food Packaging, Innovation, Legal, Machinery, Safety, Technology on October 16th, 2009 by Anne Dallison – 10 Comments

Edible codes for cheese – not another cheesey story…

Het Kaasmerk BV in, Leiden, the Netherlands, is a manufacturer of assorted blocks of cheese. Kassmerk has been collaborating with Isotron Systems on the traceability and quality control of its cheese for some time.Isotron Systems is the distributor of Cognex vision and identification equipment in the Netherlands. Kassmerk adopted a Cognex DataMan 7500 system to read the codes marked on its individual blocks of cheese.The two-dimensional codes are applied early in the production process and need to be read at the end of production.The only bar-code identification equipment Kaasmerk could find that was capable of working with the blocks of cheese, despite Kaasmerk’s rigorous industrial environment, was the In-Sight Vision System and the DataMan 7500 reader, which are both from Cognex.Identification codes, such as a 2D code or data matrix, are not only applied to state-of-the-art technology products, they are also applied to food products.These codes are mandatory in Europe, and are also necessary for safeguarding of food quality during production. They help minimise food-safety risks after the production phase, because each end product can be individually traced back to the production lot.Passport to traceabilityThe ability to identify each individual cheese as a unique item in the production chain is an essential component. Actually applied to the cheese block itself, the code functions as a veritable passport.

via Edible codes for cheese.

Kellogg’s to laser-brand individual Corn Flakes

Posted in Branding, Design, Food Packaging, Innovation, Marketing, Technology on October 14th, 2009 by Anne Dallison – 7 Comments

Anti-counterfeiting for corn flakes!

Kellogg’s has developed a hi-tech method to stamp out imitation cereals – by branding Corn Flakes with the company logo.  Kellogg’s to laser-brand individual Corn FlakesKellogg’s Corn Flakes – soon to be branded like cattle.  The new technology enables the firm – which makes 67 million boxes of Corn Flakes every year – to burn the famous signature onto individual flakes using lasers.Kellogg’s plans to produce a number one-off trial batches of the branded flakes to test the system.

via Kellogg’s to laser-brand individual Corn Flakes – Telegraph.

Youngs Seafood cuts packaging for fish pie and salmon ranges

Posted in Branding, Environmental Issues, Food Packaging, Marketing, Product News, Recycling on October 13th, 2009 by Jane Bear – 4 Comments

Just goes to show what can be done to make savings without actually compromising the quality of the pack.  Yes I know the pack is smaller, but maybe that isn’t such a bad thing in the eye of the consumer.  After all, who likes to open a pack to find that there is a lot of unnecessary ‘empty’ space in it?  There is now a definite group of consumers who will consider this when buying items and it’s good to see that Young’s are advertising the use of less packaging on the front face of the pack.  It does beg the question though, if Young’s can make this kind of saving on a humble product carton what sort of savings could be made on your own products? (Jane)

Seafood brand Youngs has cut the packaging used for its fish pies and on its chilled salmon as part of an ongoing sustainability drive.

via Youngs Seafood cuts packaging for fish pie and salmon ranges | packagingnews.co.uk.