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Archive for October 14th, 2009

Kellogg’s to laser-brand individual Corn Flakes

Posted in Branding, Design, Food Packaging, Innovation, Marketing, Technology on October 14th, 2009 by Anne Dallison – 7 Comments

Anti-counterfeiting for corn flakes!

Kellogg’s has developed a hi-tech method to stamp out imitation cereals – by branding Corn Flakes with the company logo.  Kellogg’s to laser-brand individual Corn FlakesKellogg’s Corn Flakes – soon to be branded like cattle.  The new technology enables the firm – which makes 67 million boxes of Corn Flakes every year – to burn the famous signature onto individual flakes using lasers.Kellogg’s plans to produce a number one-off trial batches of the branded flakes to test the system.

via Kellogg’s to laser-brand individual Corn Flakes – Telegraph.