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Archive for October 21st, 2009

SIG pips rivals to produce first one-litre aseptic FSC carton | packagingnews.co.uk

Posted in Drinks Packaging, Environmental Issues, Food Packaging, Materials, Technology on October 21st, 2009 by Anne Dallison – Be the first to comment

SIG pips rivals to produce first one-litre aseptic FSC carton.

SIG Combibloc has won the race to produce the first FSC-certified one-litre aseptic beverage carton for packaging long-life juice drinks and ice teas.The first run of the new cartons, which are marked with the FSC logo on the corner of the packaging, have gone on sale in all German branches of supermarket Lidl.Its launch means that the company has pipped Tetra Pak to bring a one-litre FSC-certified aseptic carton to market.

via SIG pips rivals to produce first one-litre aseptic FSC carton | packagingnews.co.uk. Ben Bold