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Youngs Seafood cuts packaging for fish pie and salmon ranges

Just goes to show what can be done to make savings without actually compromising the quality of the pack.  Yes I know the pack is smaller, but maybe that isn’t such a bad thing in the eye of the consumer.  After all, who likes to open a pack to find that there is a lot of unnecessary ‘empty’ space in it?  There is now a definite group of consumers who will consider this when buying items and it’s good to see that Young’s are advertising the use of less packaging on the front face of the pack.  It does beg the question though, if Young’s can make this kind of saving on a humble product carton what sort of savings could be made on your own products? (Jane)

Seafood brand Youngs has cut the packaging used for its fish pies and on its chilled salmon as part of an ongoing sustainability drive.

via Youngs Seafood cuts packaging for fish pie and salmon ranges | packagingnews.co.uk.


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