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Archive for July 16th, 2009

Sustainable packaging trend gathering pace

Posted in Environmental Issues, Opinion, Retailers, Tweets on July 16th, 2009 by Chris Penfold – 4 Comments

This article provides a fascinating insight into consumer behaviour. I think that it’s no surprise that ecological issues are higher on Consumers’ agenda but it’s interesting to read that “In 2008, 40% of UK respondents agreed that they seek alternative products if they believe their first choice to be packaged excessively” – I’m not sure that I believe that in reality – but I’m sure that it’s growing. Also interesting to read about the correlation of environmental issues and cost-optimisation being linked because of the ‘recession’.  We have certainly found this at Design Cognition.

Overall I believe that it’s certainly true that “consumer packaged goods companies should continue to evaluate their packaging in order to align themselves with an emerging consumer trend” – they ignore at their peril! Chris Penfold

Sustainable packaging trend gathering pace – A new report* from independent market analyst Datamonitor identifies sustainable packaging as a growing consumer issue, revealing that, although sustainable packaging is not yet a primary motivator of purchases, it is becoming a consumer expectation.

Sustainable packaging is one of a growing number of issues driven by ethics, economics and environmentalism. Economic imperatives, as well as possible greater regulation, mean that more brands need to consider adapting their present approach to accommodate sustainable packaging, comments Matthew Adams**, consumer analyst at Datamonitor and author of the report.

Read the full article here on Bizcommunity: Sustainable packaging trend gathering pace.

Thanks to @packagingdiva and @NYDesign for bringing our attention to this article on Twitter

Wal-Mart to put eco-rating on products

Posted in Business News, Environmental Issues, Opinion, Tweets on July 16th, 2009 by Chris Penfold – 9 Comments

This is a worthy initiative by Wal-Mart, but a huge undertaking that will take months (if not years) to implement. I’m not sure what benefit, if any, there will be for consumers who will probably not read or even understand them – which could lead to huge misconceptions. So consumer education will be essential to back this up. Also, I’m not sure how much information is going to be shown on the packaging – much of which is already very restricted for space. So this could actually lead to an increase in packaging – unless all of this information is made available on-line via a 2D data-matrix barcode – Now there’s a thought! – Chris Penfold

Wal-Mart to put eco-rating on products - July 16, 2009 – 8:19AM  The Sydney Morning Herald

Wal-Mart Stores Inc, the world’s largest retailer, plans to demand that all its suppliers measure the environmental cost of making their products so Wal-Mart can calculate and post an eco-rating for each item.

The ambitious program, to be announced Thursday, is likely to spur companies to redesign products from electronics to jeans, but it presents still more costs to contain as they pinch pennies to tackle the recession.

Read more at:  Wal-Mart to put eco-rating on products.

Thanks to @electronicalex for bringing our attention to this article

Beauty foods not as big as expected, according to market analyst

Posted in Business News, Product News on July 16th, 2009 by Jane Bear – 9 Comments

By Katie Bird, 16-Jul-2009   www.cosmeticsdesign-europe.com

Despite being hailed as the next big thing to hit the cosmetics industry, beauty foods are receiving only ‘casual interest’ from British consumers, according to market research company Datamonitor.

Beauty foods can come in all shapes and sizes, from anti-ageing yoghurts to anti-acne chocolate, and many industry analysts are predicting big things for the sector.

to read more just click the link  Beauty foods not as big as expected, according to market analyst.

Johnson and Johnson sales hit by tough retail environment

Posted in Business News, Cosmetics & Toiletries, Healthcare & Pharma on July 16th, 2009 by Jane Bear – 9 Comments

By Simon Pitman, 15-Jul-2009   www.cosmeticsdesign.com

Leading pharmaceutical and personal care player Johnson & Johnson has been hit hard during its second quarter by the global economic recession.

Sales for the quarter fell by a total of 7.4 percent, down from $16.45bn in the corresponding period last year, to reach $15.24bn.

For more information just click here  Johnson and Johnson sales hit by tough retail environment.