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Wal-Mart to put eco-rating on products

This is a worthy initiative by Wal-Mart, but a huge undertaking that will take months (if not years) to implement. I’m not sure what benefit, if any, there will be for consumers who will probably not read or even understand them – which could lead to huge misconceptions. So consumer education will be essential to back this up. Also, I’m not sure how much information is going to be shown on the packaging – much of which is already very restricted for space. So this could actually lead to an increase in packaging – unless all of this information is made available on-line via a 2D data-matrix barcode – Now there’s a thought! – Chris Penfold

Wal-Mart to put eco-rating on products - July 16, 2009 – 8:19AM  The Sydney Morning Herald

Wal-Mart Stores Inc, the world’s largest retailer, plans to demand that all its suppliers measure the environmental cost of making their products so Wal-Mart can calculate and post an eco-rating for each item.

The ambitious program, to be announced Thursday, is likely to spur companies to redesign products from electronics to jeans, but it presents still more costs to contain as they pinch pennies to tackle the recession.

Read more at:  Wal-Mart to put eco-rating on products.

Thanks to @electronicalex for bringing our attention to this article


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