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Archive for July 22nd, 2009

Amcor and Cadbury settle out of court in £116m ‘cartel’ case | packagingnews.co.uk

Posted in Business News, Legal on July 22nd, 2009 by Anne Dallison – 3 Comments

Josh Brooks, packagingnews.co.uk, 22 July 2009

BREAKING NEWS – Amcor and Cadbury have reached an out-of-court settlement on the eve of a £116m lawsuit in which the confectionery giant claimed it had been overcharged by the Australian packaging group.

via Amcor and Cadbury settle out of court in £116m ‘cartel’ case | packagingnews.co.uk.

Wal-Mart sustainability index to reach UK in 2010

Posted in Business News, Environmental Issues, Retailers on July 22nd, 2009 by Anne Dallison – 6 Comments

Simeon Goldstein, packagingnews.co.uk, 22 July 2009

Asda has not concluded which suppliers will need to provide information for owner Wal-Mart’s sustainable product index when it is launched in the UK next year.

via Wal-Mart sustainability index to reach UK in 2010 | packagingnews.co.uk.