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The enigma of packaging innovation

“Innovation is the key to our industry breaking out of recession, says Keith Barnes, chairman of IoP: The Packaging Society”, a subject that is ‘dear to my heart’. There is much rhetoric spouted from many quarters (not just the packaging industry for that matter) who only pay ‘lip service’ to innovation. In these recessionary times it is sad to see that true ‘innovation’ either ‘thrown out of the window’  totally or is put ‘on the back burner’ in anticipation of ’sunnier days’. Luckily some companies have had the foresight to see beyond the present ‘mire’ and are using innovation (in product developments, processes and the way they think) to position themselves and their brands in such a way that they will be ‘ahead of the pack’ when the economic climate has improved. Indeed, at Design Cognition, we are lucky enough to be working with some of these forward-thinking companies and I ‘tip my hat’ to them. If you’d like further information on particular areas of innovation and how Design Cognition can help, you can find out more and contact us here: Design Cognition Innovation

Chris Penfold

In his article, Keith says “Despite being the world’s third largest industry, packaging is still sadly perceived by the vast majority of people as  cardboard boxes and wrapping paper. As chairman of The Packaging Society, and with the industry’s support, I am determined to change this image. With the best will in the world, this will not happen overnight. What’s more, the task is going to be made increasingly difficult by so many companies and individuals focusing on their survival in the current economic climate.”

Sourced from Packaging News 6th January 2010, Keith Barnes

You can read the full article here: The enigma of  packaging innovation


  1. ‘packaging is still sadly perceived by the vast majority of people as cardboard boxes and wrapping paper’

    Or, even in more sophisticated forms or alternative materials, still a transitory aspect of the brand relationship, usually forgotten at moment of release over the waste bin.

    Now, what if some some smart cookies started thinking about adding value to the packaging in consumer’s eyes?

    What indeed.

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