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Archive for January 21st, 2010

Sound Industry Advice to Assist Tylenol Wooden Pallet Issue

Posted in Cosmetics & Toiletries, Drinks Packaging, Food Packaging, Healthcare & Pharma, Materials, Safety on January 21st, 2010 by Jane Bear – 8 Comments

Sterling Anthony has given some detailed technical advice we may all wish to consider for the palletisation of our products.  Annie Dallison

 It’s not an appealing topic, but it has grabbed recent headlines.

The Tylenol national recall—ongoing at the time of this article’s publication—is a reminder that wood pallets can be the source of packaging/product contamination. Such a capability is reason for brand owners to have in place a Pallet Purity Program (PPP).

Written by Sterling Anthony, CPP.  Published in Packworld.com 20th January 2010 to read the full article to follow this link http://bit.ly/5uLMHF