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So you thought implementation of Braille packaging standards was easy?

The development of both the BSI & CEN standards for Braille on Pharmaceutical Packaging have taken years of dedication from the Working Groups with clear commendation coming from the RNIB for the support they have received from the Packaging Industry.

The following article provides an interesting insight into the issues encountered from the RNIB perspective. It clearly demonstrates the amount of work and angst that has taken place over the past few years to make this happen and reach this breakthrough milestone. Three years ago many people thought that this initiative would never happen. It demonstrates what can be achieved by a common focus and working as a team to overcome all of the hurdles and we at Design Cognition Ltd (DCL) are proud to have been involved in these Working Groups at ‘the cutting edge’ and having been personally involved myself, wish to offer my thanks to all involved for their support and mutual respect.

 As I’m sure you will appreciate, to implement successful Braille packaging solutions for the client there is a lot of work involved from a technical & aesthetic point of view, requiring much ‘horse-trading’ to ensure that the needs of all stakeholders are met. Luckily at DCL we have the skills to understand & empathise with these juxtaposed issues and for many of our clients have delivered Braille solutions inclusive of artworks in a timely, efficient and sympathetic manner that delighted them. If you’d like any further information on Braille or ‘hands on’ help from people that have practical experience and have been through the loop, check out: www.thepharmagateway.com/about and get in touch. (Anne Dallison)

 braille on a pack
The needs of partially sighted and blind people are being heard. By October 2010, the majority of secondary medicinal packaging in the EU is set to become more accessible by accommodating braille. Getting the process right, however, has taken six long years. Rupal Mehta investigates.  Read the full Packaging Professional article here http://ow.ly/XMmo


  1. freddie says:

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