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68k tonne cut in packaging weight – but is that good?

I don’t want to belittle the progress that Kraft has made in reducing the weight of its packaging but you have to ask the question, how much of this reduction is due to the move from heavy glass jars to light weight laminated pouches? 

There is no doubt that this will have had a huge positive impact on there transportation footprint, which is great – but what about the end life of the laminate pouch?  I’m still waiting to be convinced that high temperature recycling of laminates is really the right way to go.  And what about the end consumer, how many of them know how or where to recycle laminate pouches compared to those that can and do easily recycle glass jars?

Great marketing story though. (Jane Bear)

Kraft Foods has revealed it has cut 68,000 tonnes of packaging from its products around the world in the past five years.  To read the full article visit packagingnews.co.uk

Article by Simeon Goldstein, packagingnews.co.uk, 29 January 2010


  1. Packaging is having a dynamic transition from heavy jars to small pouches. It is a new style of packaging introduced by Kraft foods a leading name in food industry.

  2. Armond Matevosian says:

    The environment seems to be worse off if these pouches are plastic. We’ve got so much plastic filthying up this planet as it is.

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