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Archive for September 25th, 2009

Paul Smith designs Evian bottle for Christmas season

Posted in Branding, Design, Drinks Packaging, Marketing on September 25th, 2009 by Chris Penfold – 6 Comments

Simeon Goldstein, packagingnews.co.uk, 25 September 2009

Fashion designer Paul Smith has created a special edition bottle for Evian water that goes on sale next month.

The design gives a vibrant, young look to the Evian bottle for the Christmas party season to contrast with typically dark winter tones.

Comment: I like these & think they look great – certainly ‘vibrant & simple. Clever use of Paul Smith for marketing effect following this very topical ‘London fashion week’. Chris Penfold

Read more & see pics here: http://tinyurl.com/ybrzbsx

Ireland to double plastic bag tax

Posted in Business News, Environmental Issues, Food Packaging, Government, Marketing, Recycling, Retailers on September 25th, 2009 by Chris Penfold – 7 Comments

Josh Brooks, packagingnews.co.uk, 24 September 2009

Ireland’s plastic bag tax is to double under new laws expected to be published next month.

The current 22 euro cent tax on every single-use carrier distributed would double to 44 cents, around 40p, under the proposals.

Comment: It’s great to see the Irish government taking initiatives to reduce POS use of plastic bags, but I still believe  that targeting plastic bags is a political stunt that takes everyone’s eyes off the ‘bigger picture’. There are ‘bigger fish to fry’ such as the 30% food waste generated every day by most households, which used huge amounts of energy and resource to grow it, farm it, transport it, package it, take it home, store it in the fridge – only to be thrown away – let’s get a sense of perspective here! Chris Penfold

Read the full article here: http://tinyurl.com/ydpcrrn

Unilever buys Sara Lee personal care business for EUR 1.3bn

Posted in Branding, Business News, Cosmetics & Toiletries, Healthcare & Pharma, Marketing, Product News on September 25th, 2009 by Chris Penfold – 1 Comment

Simeon Goldstein, packagingnews.co.uk, 25 September 2009

FMCG giant Unilever has made a binding offer to buy the personal care division of US firm Sara Lee Corporation for EUR 1.275bn.

The Anglo-Dutch firm said today the acquisition would add a “strong stable of brands”, such as Sanex, Radox and Duschdas, to a category that it considers a key driver for growth, particularly in Western Europe and Asia.

Read the full article here: http://tinyurl.com/y8ctz8k

DIY sector gets its own ‘Courtauld’ commitment

Posted in Business News, Environmental Issues, Recycling, Retailers on September 25th, 2009 by Chris Penfold – 14 Comments

Simeon Goldstein, packagingnews.co.uk, 25 September 2009

Six UK DIY retailers and brands have signed up to a Courtauld-style voluntary agreement to reduce packaging and waste to landfill.

Argos, B&Q, Focus, Henkel, Homebase and Wickes have agreed to achieve a 15% packaging reduction and halve waste to landfill by the end of 2012

Read the full article here: DIY sector gets its own ‘Courtauld’ commitment | packagingnews.co.uk.