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Archive for September 3rd, 2009

Brand enhancement by electronics in packaging

Posted in Cosmetics & Toiletries, Drinks Packaging, Food Packaging, Gift Packaging, Healthcare & Pharma, Innovation on September 3rd, 2009 by Jane Bear – 6 Comments

Printed Electronics World  – 2nd Sept 2009

The nineteenth century saw ubiquitous black and white printing. The twentieth century was one of color printing. However, we are now in the century of printed electronics taking over from that. Nowhere will the impact be more obvious than packaging because the new electronics transforms much more than the human interface. It leverages the usefulness of the product itself and performs other functions such as tracking, tracing and reduction of theft and counterfeiting.

via Printed Electronics World: Brand enhancement by electronics in packaging.

Research aims to boost bioplastics from potatoes

Posted in Environmental Issues, Innovation on September 3rd, 2009 by Jane Bear – 6 Comments

02-Sep-2009  www.cosmeticsdesign.com

Cor n starch-based Bioplastics have proved increasingly popular for eco-friendly personal care packaging, but now researchers are investigating ways to enhance potato starch for this purpose.

Corn starch has long been the preferred base for this kind of plastic because the crop can be harvested in large quantities on a global basis. Likewise, the technologies for milling it and processing it in to corn starch are highly developed and readily available.

via Research aims to boost bioplastics from potatoes.