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New Material Made From Paper Sludge Could Replace Plastic Packaging

This is a really interesting article about the reuse of paper production waste – a new biotechnology method used to modify the chemical and structural properties of the cellulose materials that are left over – and has potential in all sorts of applications.

ScienceDaily (July 2, 2009)

Margarita Calafell, a researcher at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the UPC’s School of Industrial and Aeronautical Engineering of Terrassa (ETSEIAT), has developed the new method.

In many cases, the new material could replace plastic packaging and auxiliary building materials. The new patented material has unique properties. It is low density, mouldable, fire resistant, impermeable, porous and highly resistant, and it may replace less environmentally friendly materials in many industry and production sectors.

Read more here:  http://tinyurl.com/nloo99


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