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Hilary Benn unveils long-awaited Packaging Strategy

The following article provides an overview of Hilary Benn’s Packaging Strategy. We will follow-up with our own comments and views on this strategy in a separate blog-post – look out for it!  Chris

Jill Park, packagingnews.co.uk, 09 June 2009

The banning of aluminium and glass from landfill is under review by the government as part of its long-awaited Packaging Strategy, revealed today.

Environment minister Hilary Benn announced the government’s new packaging strategy, ‘Making the most of packaging’, this morning at the Futuresource conference at Excel in London.

The strategy outlines the government’s plan to improve the design and manufacture of packaging over the next decade and covers recycling strategy, packaging reduction and reusability.

Announcement of the details comes seven months after Packaging News revealed that Defra had consulted with packaging industry stakeholders on the strategy.

“We need to rethink the way we deal with packaging, from production line to recycling bin,” said Benn.

“The plans we’ve announced today set out how we will achieve that – with the goal of making it as easy as possible for consumers to avoid needless packaging in the first place and get rid of what they do receive in a way that doesn’t just create more landfill,” he added.

The strategy was unveiled in an 83-page document that is available for download here: 09-06-09-defra-full-packaging-strategy1.

Key points in strategy include:

• Aluminium and glass – The government will consider whether to ban these materials from landfill altogether;

• Household recycling services – The government will work with local authorities and packaging manufacturers to increase the amount of pack types that can be recycled;

• Aluminium, plastic and glass – The government will focus on increasing the recycling rates of these material through more on-the-go collection points and greater glass collections from pubs, clubs and restaurants;

• Refillable and reusable packaging – These will be encouraged across a range of products;

• Recyclability – Manufacturers will be given guidance on how to maximise the recycling potential of packaging;

• Wrap – The Waste and Resources Action Programme will continue its work with manufacturers and retailers to reduce packaging;

• Enforcement – It will become easier to enforce action against manufacturers of excess and unnecessary packaging and consumers will be encouraged to report excessive packaging to Trading Standards.

Wrap chief executive Liz Goodwin said shoppers, local authorities and retailers needed to “join forces” to tackle packaging waste.

“By working across the whole supply chain we have greater opportunities to make a positive difference,” she said.

The news follows the announcement that Defra has awarded £10m in grants under its Anaerobic Digestion Demonstration Programme.

Benn revealed yesterday that five sites were successful in gaining funding as they will demonstrate cutting-edge technology across a range of industries.

via Hilary Benn unveils long-awaited Packaging Strategy | packagingnews.co.uk.


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