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Archive for June 26th, 2009

US packaging covered in false green claims, Congress told

Posted in Environmental Issues on June 26th, 2009 by Jane Bear – 4 Comments

The US is awash with ‘green’ labels and logos with empty claims, an environmental marketing agency executive has told the US Congress.

Vice president of TerraChoice Scot Case put his argument on green labels to the SubCommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection earlier this month.

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BASF cuts polystyrene output with plant closure

Posted in Business News, Materials on June 26th, 2009 by Jane Bear – 7 Comments

Josh Brooks, packagingnews.co.uk, 26 June 2009

BASF is to cut its polystyrene production by 15% with the closure of a plant in Germany as it continues to seek a buyer for its EUR 3bn styrenics business.

The world’s biggest chemicals company is to permanently shut a plant at its Ludwigshafen complex, reducing its total output by 80,000 tonnes/year to 540,000 tonnes/year.

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