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Consultant to give away £3,000 of work in unusual marketing ploy

#packaging #sustainability #environment #business

Packaging consultancy Design Cognition has adopted an unusual marketing strategy by giving away services worth up to £3,000 in a competition.

Design Cognition, based in Nottingham, has today launched the contest for brand owners, retailers, packaging manufacturers or anyone else in the packaging supply chain to win the consultancy work.

Chris Penfold, the company’s managing director, said he anticipated that the work would focus on sustainability and cost optimisation.

He said that the work could include a review of packaging materials, pack formats or packing processes, or a combination of the three.

Penfold said that the competition, which launched today on Design Cognition’s website, would also serve to highlight the progress still to be made in packaging optimisation.

“We believe that there are huge opportunities for companies to improve their environmental performance, but many don’t know where to start,” he said. “A small change in one area can have huge knock-on effects throughout the whole supply chain.”

In the competition, entrants are expected to answer four questions and complete a tie-breaker, which will be reviewed by a panel of judges.

Penfold, a former packaging manager for Reckitt Benckiser and CIBA Vision Lens Care, founded Design Cognition four years ago. The firm now has more than 20 clients ranging from SMEs to multi-national companies.

For more details and to enter the competition, visit www.designcognition.com/competition


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