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Alcan Packaging launches Sustainability Moments campaign


Alcan Packaging, a business unit of Rio Tinto Alcan, launched its global Sustainability MomentsSMcampaign to coincide with World Environment Day (June 5) celebrations.

“This internal campaign is intended to increase awareness and educate employees about sustainability throughout the next year. Sustainability is a core value for Alcan Packaging, and we hope this will inspire all our employees to organize activities that will positively contribute to our communities and the environment,” says Jean-Christophe Deslarzes, president and CEO, Downstream Aluminum Businesses and Alcan Packaging.

All sites have been supplied with Alcan Packaging’s newly developed catalog, offering various activity ideas to promote sustainability in their local areas, such as a design contest, planting trees, landscaping of neighbouring sites, and more.

To emphasize World Environment Day celebrations, which is the first “moment” of the Sustainability Moments campaign, each site is also able to hold Sustainability Challenge game sessions for employees today. The Sustainability Challengeeducational game, which has been popular at several trade shows, was developed by Alcan Packaging to spark open discussion about environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainability.

“We are confident that each of our sectors will respond to our communities’ challenges with the energy and enthusiasm we’ve come to expect, and create memorable and impactful sustainability moments,” says Michael Rubenstein, chief growth and innovation officer, Alcan Packaging.


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