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Novel Marketing Idea

Novel and quite gimmicky idea – Preserve Products has launched a toothbrush which is sold in a ‘mail back’ bag.  The idea being that you open the pack, use the toothbrush and then when it’s reached the end of its useful life you pop it back into the bag, seal it up and drop it into the post.  Preserve Products then grind up the handles and make……………….. new toothbrush handles out of them. Jane

Interesting article from Greener Package


  1. I like this theory but dentists tell us a toothbrush should last 6 months, so my query would be, would you keep the package for 6 months to send back?

    If say it was a holiday toothbrush, built to last only 2 weeks then on my return from holiday I packaged up and sent back then I could see it being more useful.

    Just a thought.

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