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Archive for July 13th, 2010

Have A Can Of Love

Posted in Branding, Design on July 13th, 2010 by Jane Bear – 1 Comment

Diet Coke Love Can

Diet Coke has teamed up with the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute to sponsor a national awareness campaign called The Heart Truth.  It’s aimed at raising the awareness of Heart Disease amongst women.  This is of course a great cause.  I’ve highlighted the pack though as I really like the design, it’s clean, simple and to the point. (Jane Bear)

To find out more about this fantastic campaign visit The Heart Truth page on the Diet Coke web site

New Child Resistant Spray Pack

Posted in Healthcare & Pharma, Innovation on July 13th, 2010 by Jane Bear – 1 Comment

CAJ child resistant spray packGreat looking new child resistant spray pack from Cope Allman Jaycare.

The opening procedures are based on a squeeze and turn principal.  However, unlike traditional CR closures where the cap is squeezed, the operation has been transferred to the collar component.  This adds to the security and also minimises the risk of children using their teeth to open the pack.  The closure system is intentionally allowed to rotate on the container in order to help prevent the product from being forced open.  Instead of a thread-form, the closure utilises a bayonet type fit to simplify the re-closure operation

For more information just follow this link to webpackagings Cope Allman Jaycare’s page 

Do You Know A Healthcare Professional Who’d Like To Take Part?

Posted in Healthcare & Pharma on July 13th, 2010 by Jane Bear – 7 Comments

3M are running a competition to identify ‘innovative infection prevention’ practices. 

Debra Rectenwald, president and general manager of 3M’s Infection Prevention Division says ‘The contest will identify innovative approaches to address a wide variety of challenges, and also serve as an educational tool in the fight against rising infection rates’. 

The video receiving the most votes during the public voting phase will recieive a $5,000 educational grant and an expense-paid trip to 3M to meet with the Infection Prevention Division and tour it’s Innovation Center. 

Closing date for uploading your videos to youtube is 13th September 2010, so don’t hang around just follow this link to view the full details on the 3M web site