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Supermarkets cut plastic bag use by 48%, says WRAP

It’s good to see that consumers are thinking more about their carrier bag usage and there has been a HUGE voluntary reduction, so why is this being turned into a negative news story by the media (because it’s fallen short of the 50% target)? I also tend to agree with Barry Turner, chairman of the Carrier Bag Consortium, that this continuous focus on plastic carrier bags is taking everyone’s eyes off the ‘bigger picture’ and all of the other good work that has been done by supermarkets. After all, plastic carrier bags represent less than 1% of all household waste in the UK. So let’s get our priorities right guys and concentrate on the ’sharks’ and not the ‘minnows’. Chris Penfold

Supermarkets cut plastic bag use by 48%, says WRAP Simeon Goldstein, packagingnews.co.uk, 17 July 2009

Carrier bag usage has almost halved in the past three years, according to new data from WRAP.

Read the full article here: Supermarkets cut plastic bag use by 48%, says Wrap | packagingnews.co.uk.


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