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Archive for October 4th, 2010

Packaging of Pharmaceuticals – Don’t miss out!

Posted in Healthcare & Pharma, Training on October 4th, 2010 by Jane Bear – Be the first to comment

We are running a 1 day Pharmaceutical Packaging training course (Introductory level), which should be of interest to some of you.

women from training flyerBy following the link below you will be able to download a PDF ’flyer’ & Registration form.

NB Anyone interested needs to be quick because we only have a couple of places remaining.

Do you work in the pharmaceutical industry on the ‘periphery’ of packaging, working for example in Production, Marketing, Purchasing, Design or QA etc , and need to find out more about packaging, but without having to attend a lengthy 3 day training course? Or perhaps you are a Packaging Technologist new to the area and want to gain a better understanding of pharma issues and opportunities?

If so, then this ONE DAY TRAINING COURSE could be for you! 

It’s being held on 14th October 2010 at Biocity Nottingham, UK

Find out more here:   Pharmaceutical Packaging Training Information