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Archive for March 16th, 2010

DAY 9 – Packaging Tip No9 – Cost minimisation

Posted in Design, Innovation, Materials, Opinion, Top 10 Tips, Training, Uncategorized, cost-optimisation on March 16th, 2010 by Chris Penfold – 9 Comments
Packaging Top Ten Tips

Packaging Top Ten Tips

In order to help you develop your packaging more productively, we have generated a series of  FREE short 1-2 minute videos detailing our Tip Ten Tips for getting it right. We will be posting 1 x video per day on this blog site over a 10 day period – so keep a look out for them – they could save you a £££$$$ fortune in the long run!

DAY 9 – Tip No9: Everyone’s aim is to develop a pack that is ‘fit for purpose’ but at minimum cost. There are a number of approaches that you can take and each will have a significant impact on the final outcome. What might seem the cheapest solution initially, might cost you dearly in the long run! Watch the video to find out more….

Smiley smiley packaging. Cheers Chris

Today’s Video:

Packaging Tip No9 – Cost minimisation – by Chris Penfold – Design Cognition

Look out tomorrow for Tip No 10 – IP protection…..