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Archive for March 4th, 2010

DAY 1 – Packaging Top 10 Tip No1 – Planning it out

Posted in Design, Design Cognition News, Healthcare & Pharma, Opinion, Social Media, Top 10 Tips, Uncategorized on March 4th, 2010 by Chris Penfold – 4 Comments
Packaging Top 10 Tips

Packaging Top 10 Tips

In order to help you develop your packaging more productively, we have generated a series of  FREE short 1-2 minute videos detailing our Tip Ten Tips for getting it right. We will be posting 1 x video per day on this blog site over a 10 day period – so keep a look out for them – they could save you a £££$$$ fortune in the long run!

So here’s the first of our Top 10 Tip videos:

DAY 1 – Tip No1: Packaging ideas & issues to consider early on in the process, bringing your ideas to life and undertaking market research. Click on the link below to go to the video.

Happy Packaging. Cheers Chris

Today’s Video:

Packaging Tip No1 – Planning it out – by Chris Penfold – Design Cognition

Look out tomorrow for Tip No 2 – keeping it simple & fit for purpose…..

Your Packaging Top Ten Tips to save a ££$$ fortune

Posted in Top 10 Tips on March 4th, 2010 by Chris Penfold – 6 Comments
Packaging Top 10 Tips
Packaging Top 10 Tips

Packaging is often the last thing people tend to think about when developing a product, but because it is often the main driver of consumer convenience is a critical factor to get right. When companies do consider packaging, they often struggle to get it right as there are so many things to think about.

So in order to help you, we have developed a series of short 1-2 minute videos detailing our Tip Ten Tips for getting it right. We will be posting 1 x video per day on this blog site over the next 10 working days – so keep a look out for them – they could save you a £££$$$ fortune in the long run! Cheers Chris

Here’s a 1 minute video introduction to get you started:

Packaging Top Ten Tips – an Introduction by Chris Penfold – Design Cognition

Look out later today for the 1st Top Ten Tip video…..