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Fun With A 2D Barcode?

2D barcode on HeinekenHeineken’s new summer marketing campaign will include the use of 2D barcodes.  Maybe not what 2D barcodes were intended for, but definitely a fun and engaging use for them.

The idea behind their campaign is that you text a number on the pack and they send you a link so you can download a free app which enables you to scan 2D barcodes with your phone.  You then scan the 2D barcode on the promotional packs and you’ll then be told whether you’ve won. 

Not really pushing the 2D barcode to its potential, but certainly making far more consumers aware of their existence.  According to Heineken ‘their consumers are early adopters of new technology’

I think it will be interesting to see where else the barcodes ‘pop’ up and who will be next to use them for interacting with their consumers? (Jane Bear)

To read the full article just follow this link to Mobile Marketer


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