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Archive for May 14th, 2010

Posted in Drinks Packaging on May 14th, 2010 by Jane Bear – 13 Comments

plastic wine bottleNow maybe this is a spot of research many of us could take part in or even reach a conclusion for ourselves.  Earlier this week Waitrose announced that it would stocking wines in plastic bottles especially to make it’s ‘festival going clientele happy’  This came hot on the heals of M&S who’d announced only a week ago that it would now be stocking wine in 25cl plastic bottles.  

Both of the stores claim that the wine looses none of its taste, or gains any taint from the plastic and is guaranteed to keep for at least 12 months.  Sounds great and will be ideal for the summer (if we ever get one) and alfresco dining, whether in the back garden or at a festival. BUT……………..

Also released this week is a report by researchers at the Institute of Vine and Wine Sciences (ISW) in Bordeaux, France.  They say they found that the alcohol starts to oxidise and that wine stored in plastic bottles and boxes loses its freshness within six months! 

That doesn’t bode well for the new plastic wine bottle trend.  Maybe we should all do a little bit of further research on this – of course I’m not encouraging anybody to drink, and if you do please drink responsibly, but if you are opening a bottle of wine tonight it would be interesting to hear your own views on plastic vs glass in the taste stakes. (Jane Bear)

You can find more details on the report here – Daily Mail

To read Waitrose’s claims just follow this link to our friends at Packaging News