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Next Century Packaging – Invitation

07 09 06 Chris Photo002I just wanted to let you know that I will be speaking at Easyfairs NEC
Birmingham next week on Thursday 17thFebruary and I would like to invite to come along and listen.

I will be talking about the growing effect, implications and opportunities
of the internet on the packaging design process and on ways of working (HOW we design).  I will discuss the trends and convergence of Web, technology and materials and the effect this is having, and will have in the future, on WHAT we design in packaging, to enable better consumer & patient interaction and personalisation.  As well as highlighting some possible ‘fads’. I will also take a sneak preview at some great examples of emerging & leading-edge
packaging design.

This promises to be a really interesting presentation and  will begin at 11.00am in the International Brand Summit LearnShop and I’ll be available afterwards should you wish to chat.

It would be great if you could make it.  I look forward to seeing you there!

Chris Penfold


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