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Archive for November 12th, 2009

Branded barcodes cheer Japanese shoppers

Posted in Branding, Cosmetics & Toiletries, Design, Drinks Packaging, Food Packaging, Gift Packaging, Innovation, Marketing on November 12th, 2009 by Jane Bear – 20 Comments

I think this is a fantastic idea – the barcode needs to be there anyway, so why not make a feature of it.  Obviously it’s more suited to certain areas of the market than others – I’m not sure a patient would appreciate finding one of these on a medicine, but then again on a more everyday or fun item I think it could be a great area to add some individuality and extra branding. (Jane)

While most Western manufacturers focus their marketing on the front of a product, a growing number of Japanese firms are branding the barcodes on the reverse as well. The black and white etchings contain sufficient detail to be recognised by scanners, while also incorporating the firms logo or an image associated with the product.

via Branded barcodes cheer Japanese shoppers – Telegraph.