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Posts Tagged ‘child-resistance’

Posted in Healthcare & Pharma, Innovation on July 13th, 2010 by Jane Bear – 1 Comment

CAJ child resistant spray packGreat looking new child resistant spray pack from Cope Allman Jaycare.

The opening procedures are based on a squeeze and turn principal.  However, unlike traditional CR closures where the cap is squeezed, the operation has been transferred to the collar component.  This adds to the security and also minimises the risk of children using their teeth to open the pack.  The closure system is intentionally allowed to rotate on the container in order to help prevent the product from being forced open.  Instead of a thread-form, the closure utilises a bayonet type fit to simplify the re-closure operation

For more information just follow this link to webpackagings Cope Allman Jaycare’s pageÂ