Regulatory Aspects of Packaging – an introduction
1st November 2011
Pharmaceutical packaging is a very specialised area with its own unique issues and problems. This practical
one day workshop will provide delegates with essential information and an appreciation of the information
requirements for the successful compilation of the packaging elements of Marketing Authorisation (MA)/
Product Licence (PL) applications. It will cover the European Legislative Framework, Control of Pharmaceutical
Packaging, Marketing Authorisation Applications, Basic Data Requirements for Applications, Pack Testing
requirements, Labelling & Leaflets, Post Licensing & Variations. The course is delivered by experts who each have over 25 years experience in Regulatory Affairs and pharmaceutical product and packaging development.
BRING YOUR OWN PACKS along on the day for a FREE Regulatory-AUDIT
For further information on this course in easy to print PDF format just follow this link to Healthcare Packaging Regulations & Requirements PDF
To register for this event please Download the Registration Form
Alternatively phone +44 (0) 115 846 1914 now for more information.
Look forward to seeing you there!